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A rational perspective: reflecting on the belief in a higher power, the universe and creation

Writer's picture: medievaltimesmedievaltimes
By Oswaldo Lopez

Many may not believe in a higher power or the thought of a paradise and inferno afterlife. However, the more you look into the world, the more convincing and complex it is not to bring up the idea of a creator, especially when you think of the complexity and precision of life itself. 

While some may argue that life was simply created from natural resources and atoms colliding, known as the ‘’Big Bang Theory”,  I believe our planet is the only evidence we need pointing towards a higher power (God) who truly created everything. For example, everything in our lives has a creator from the clothes we wear to the language we speak, the technology we use, and even the very words you’re reading right now. Each of these things points to a designer, and I find it hard to accept that a very detailed planet we live in could have come about from thin air. 

Beyond reasoning, there is evidence worldwide that suggests a creator. Life comes from life. Nothing can come from nothing. This principle applies not only to the physical world but also to the feelings of human experience, such as emotions.

Take love, for example. Love is the most meaningful. It is not just a biochemical reaction but a powerful force that gives meaning to our lives. Without a creator, emotions like love would be little more than random chemical processes. Instead, they point to something greater with purpose, a design, and a giver of life and meaning.

When arguing God’s existence, a common question is, “Who created God?” This question, while understandable, is one that the human mind cannot fully comprehend. Our understanding of cause and effect always has to deal with a creator, of course, but God is described as existing outside of these limitations. He is the "Alpha and Omega," the beginning and the end. God is eternal and self-existent. His existence is not related to a creator but to himself. If you ask yourself that question, you will simply be left with a never-ending repeating cycle of creators.

Another piece of evidence is the creation of the universe. Scientists have discovered that the forces of nature, such as gravity and electromagnetic force, are precisely measured to allow life to exist. Life would not be possible if any of these forces were even slightly off. The odds of this perfect balance happening by chance are minimal. This precision, which allows life to work, brings to action the intentional design of a higher power.

One of the most challenging questions from those questioning his belief is, "If God is real, why does evil exist?" The answer lies in the concept of free will. God did not create evil; He created choice for everyone. Human beings have free will to have the ability to choose between good and evil. Unfortunately, many choose to act in ways that are not God’s nature. 

Evil does exist. However, it's done without faith, like light and darkness. Darkness is not a thing but is something with the absence of light. In the same way, evil is the absence of God’s faith and goodness. 

For those still unconvinced, consider those times of trouble and distress. Why do people always turn to prayer or seek blessings if there's no higher power? Why do we swear on the Bible in court to God's name for truth if he is not real? And why do some react with strong hate when they hear the name of God, even if they claim not to believe in Him? 

Ultimately, believing in God truly explains the existence of life, the function of our emotions, and the structure of the universe. Thinking about these things, the presence of a Creator makes sense in our lives. All you need is faith. Whether one acknowledges it or not. It’s just like how a blind man believes in the sun; he can't see it, but he can feel it. -Amen.


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