RHS students share their own dreams for the future.
Angel Ortega
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for … Peace and Acceptance.
Now is the time to … to come together, not as black, Latino, Asian, and white, not as republican or democrat, but as people.
Now is the time to … analyze real issues and problems within this country, issues that may or may not affect us, issues that cost some people their life, and issues that continue to spread fear and hate across this country.
Now is the time to … pray and care for one another as brothers and sisters.
We can never be … those who hate and discriminate against anyone who opposes them and their ideals.
We cannot be … dividers and spreaders of hate.
We will not be … like those people who are the reason we are here, Ignorant.
I have a dream that one day ... Latinos won’t all be seen as illegals, as rapists, as lazy people who just collect welfare checks, or as gang members.
I have a dream that one day … children won’t be taken from their parents at the border and thrown in cages.
I have a dream that one day … me and other people of color won’t have to fear being pulled over by those who are meant to protect us, officers.
I have a dream that one day … no child will have to go through the trauma of being separated from their parents because of their legal status, that no child has to worry whether or not their parents are coming home that day and wonder if they’ve been deported.
I have a dream that one day … men’s mental health will be taken as seriously as women’s, and that a man won’t be ashamed of crying for help.
This will be the day when … humanity has finally won, and future generations will see us and thank us for our efforts.
Anika Chowdhury
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for the betterment of our world. Our world is in a fragile state in numerous ways; issues with climate change, education, public health, human rights, justice, racism, sexism, homelessness, poverty, and the list doesn’t seem to end. Discouraging, I know. But those negatives are the only things we seem to remember and be aware of. What we aren’t acknowledging is the progress we have made because our world is getting better, we are getting better. We have prevailed through natural disasters, multiple famines, ruinous wars, and large epidemics – yes, even greater than COVID-19. So let us be aware of everything around, not just the bad, not just the good, all of it.
Now is the time to become involved and get educated on what is going on around us. To be part of a positive change that leads us to constructive discussions and efforts to create better, safer living environments.
Now is the time to be aware of our impacts on Earth and join together, putting everything aside, to tackle the issues we have created for the planet we live on.
Now is the time to prove to ourselves that we can get through detrimental issues together by allowing collaboration to happen, be open to new innovations, and be inviting to new ideas.
We can never be put off by the size of an issue for nothing is permanent, challenges will always be present, but the world is increasingly getting better and we can solve them.
We cannot be frightened by everything that is different in the world and act hateful towards it for our world is full of diversity and we need to look at our differences with optimism.
We will not be undermined by negative experiences, we must remember that there is a lot more good in the world than bad, we just don’t get to see it because the media covers more problematic issues than the good that is taking place and we too need to break out of our negative bias that we hold over the world.
I have a dream that one day we are able to bring an end to climate change and continue to help the world be healthy and prosperous.
I have a dream that one day people will not be afraid to walk alone because they are concerned about their safety.
I have a dream that one day no one will have to let go of their ambitions due to the circumstances of their families or the position of life they are in.
I have a dream that one day we can talk about mental illness without negative undertones, to be able to seek help when we need it to find our potential and not let the outside world get in the way of our happiness.
I have a dream that one day we are not judgmental of others when we do not understand them, so we can realize that we all have flaws and operate in different ways. Also be able to show people that they are accepted and cared for unconditionally, regardless of who they are and what they do.
This will be the day when we come to the honest realization that even with the fact that we are the cause of all the issues in the world, we are also the solution. When we look beyond our differences and fears and begin to understand the efforts that we can take in order to make change last. We have a lot of hope so we need to keep fighting for what’s moral, what’s just.
Lesly Huerta
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for justice, freedom, and humanity.
Now is the time to stand by our words of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Now is the time to fight for the injustices of the undocumented.
Now is the time to make these families feel safe and free in another nation.
We can never be free from racial biases if the privileged keep getting in the way for their own pleasures.
We cannot be satisfied by just getting the opportunities easiest to us but instead we must go beyond and demand for more.
We will not be satisfied until we get granted what we deserve instead of being told to go back to our own countries and get it there.
I have a dream that one day we will not use cages in order to trap the undocumented families but to trap the actual criminals roaming around freely.
I have a dream that one day these stereotypes wouldn’t get in the way of our daily lives causing us to lose really big, once in a lifetime chances.
I have a dream that one day we will not be judged by where we are from or how we speak and look but instead how we became to be.
I have a dream that one day we will not have the names of aliens, bombers, gangsters and more but as the amazing humans who have brought our beautiful cultures for all to enjoy around the world.
I have a dream that one day the privileged finally open their eyes and see how much damage they cause to the world instead of blaming us for being that damage.
This will be the day when the undocumented will have freedom from worrying about others’ opinions or actions towards them and the day the privileged apologize and thank us for all we have done for them.
I have a dream.
Alissa Williams
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for Equality for all.
Now is the time to put prides aside
Now is the time to heal our country
Now is the time to stick together
We can never be equal without complaints
We cannot be angry at each other
We will not be hateful
I have a dream that one day we will heal as a country
I have a dream that one day all lives will be equal
I have a dream that one day everyone will have the same opportunities
I have a dream that one day Black lives will get the justice they deserve
I have a dream that one day we will all stop being hateful towards each other
This will be the day when we learn to respect others' opinions and we grow to accept each other.
Allyssa Cabral
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for the push on racial equality in the history of this generation.
Now is the time to fulfill the true meaning of “all men are created equal”.
Now is the time to stand up for your rights as a human being.
Now is the time to finally bring true justice and equality to those who do not have a voice.
We can never be satisfied with the small changes done to a single community until the issue makes itself present no more.
We cannot be satisfied with the blind eye that the government takes in regards to the struggles that we and our colored brothers and sisters face today.
We will not be satisfied as our pleas for justice and equality continue to go through deaf ears of the privileged American.
I have a dream that one day no one of any race or gender shall have to fear the next time they are pulled over.
I have a dream that one day those who struggle with any disability will be provided with the equipment and teachings needed to help them prosper.
I have a dream that one day my nieces and nephews will not have to be told that people will think differently of them for the color of their skin.
I have a dream that one day it won't be surprising or a big change to see someone of a different race or gender, challenge the ' 'norms' ' of today.
I have a dream that one day those who have avoided being prosecuted for their crimes will be charged. And the victims and their families will get the justice they cry for.
This will be the day when the people stop being blind to the racial injustice we face today when the government finally admits to the racial issues we have in present-day America, when people will acknowledge each other not for the color of their skin or stereotype they may fit but for the qualities the person may have inside themselves, and when all people of any race or gender will finally have a taste of true equality and freedom.
Ellyanna Russell
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for women to be heard and understood.
Now is the time to change the way in which women are treated on a daily basis in America.
Now is the time to listen to what women have been trying to speak upon.
Now is the time for women to be treated equally as men.
We can never be a strong nation where men and women coexist happily until the men take time to listen.
We cannot be pushed aside any longer.
We will not be made smaller by men.
I have a dream that one day women’s voices will be heard.
I have a dream that one day women won’t be scared to walk alone.
I have a dream that one day men will learn how to not view women as objects.
I have a dream that one day gender will not be a determining factor in how much one is paid.
I have a dream that one day laws made concerning women’s bodies will not be made by men.
This will be the day when women can finally step out and be free from where the men in society have confined us for so long.
Ivonne Santiago
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for self-worth, something that seems so impossible to obtain with todays society.
Now is the time to stop the self-loathing and self-pity in which we drown ourselves everyday because we aren’t the “standards” of today.
Now is the time to grow into the person WE want to be, not the person we want to be perceived as.
Now is the time to manifest your own happiness because everyone will constantly have an opinion based on a fraction of who they think you are but not the person you truly know yourself to be.
We can never be “enough” to everyone, that’s the type of pressure that will eat you alive.
We cannot reduce ourselves to only the “bad” parts of us but instead to the whole because the petals fallen off a flower doesn’t make it any less from the others in the bouquet.
We will not be diminished by the simple thoughts of others, words will disappear into the wind and never to be seen again.
I have a dream that one day we will not seek validation from others but instead from ourselves.
I have a dream that one day we can look at ourselves in the mirror and not pick out every blemish but instead point out the beauty being reflected in our sight.
I have a dream that one day we will value ourselves the way our mothers do, because they look at us as if no mistake has ever been committed by our actions.
I have a dream that one day we will have pleasure with our own company instead of seeking it from others.
I have a dream that one day we will be confident enough to conquer an obstacle instead of running away from it.
This will be the day when we can wake up at peace without all the stresses that the world has projected onto us.
Jonathan Martinez
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom and the rights of those who have been oppressed.
Now is the time to move forward and to make changes in our country that includes all people and to destroy the systemic racism and unfairness minorities face everyday.
Now is the time to address the racism that is in our government system and to get rid of politicians who only do things that will only benefit themselves.
Now is the time to increase taxes on the billionaires that are in this country and to lower the taxes on the working and middle class.
We can never go to bed soundly knowing that the middle and working class are the ones that constantly get the shorter end of the stick.
We cannot be quiet and stay in silence when there are people who are getting attacked just because of the color of their skin or what they identify as.
We will not be standing alone fighting against bigots because it’s everyone’s duty to fight for people who cannot stand up for themselves.
I have a dream that one day racism will be abolished and everyone will have the same opportunities to achieve success.
I have a dream that one day we will not judge people or stereotype them just by the color of their skin.
I have a dream that one day there will be more minorities in the government that represent people nationwide.
I have a dream that one day education will not be a privilege but an unalienable right that every human being can have.
I have a dream that one day free healthcare will be free and no one, regardless of their identity or culture will have to fight extra harder just for their life to be counted in the hospitals.
This will be the day when America will be the real safe haven for people who want to pursue the life of happiness and to get away from dictatorships and hardships from their homeland.
This will be the day that America will actually be what it was intended to be.
Priscilla Gutierrez
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for peace in our nation.
Now is the time to stand up for our rights and use the voices that previous activists left for us.
Now is the time to prove we will not let history continue to repeat itself.
Now is the time to redeem our country from hate and plant seeds of love that will continue to grow for future generations.
We can never be truly free in “the land of the free” until those with darker skin have the same rights and are treated with the same respect as a white person.
We cannot be discouraged by those who do not stand with us in our fight for peace.
We will not be afraid of the challenges ahead and push forward.
I have a dream that one day the Black Lives Matter Movement will no longer exist for we will not have to dedicate a movement on why they matter because their lives will automatically already matter to police, to politicians, to everyone.
I have a dream that one day girls (and boys) won’t have to worry about who is following them day or night, won’t worry about having to carry pepper spray or a rape alarm in their bag for safety against a rapist, and the day when the statement “What were you wearing?” isn’t used as a rebuttal against a rape victim’s story.
I have a dream that one day we will take care of our planet the way we should be and it will no longer be hot in the middle of winter, where our arctic won’t be melting and the polar bears will be safe.
I have a dream that one day we will take care of our animals, not destroy their habitats like deforestation or pollute the ocean.
I have a dream that one day when I have children, I can send them to school without worrying whether they will come home or dead because our nation failed to provide stronger gun control laws.
This will be the day when we stop electing white old men and elect a woman as president.