Some teachers do not allow students to turn in any late work, no matter what. I can’t understand the reasoning behind taking away the option of turning anything in late.
Some teachers tend to think that if it is not done on time it won’t be done at all. However, what gives them the right to make the decision for the students and why take away the option of turning it in at all? If they assume that students wouldn't turn in the assignments no matter what, they are hurting their grades rather than helping them.
However, an argument that I can partially understand for not accepting late work is that students would wait until the last minute to turn in a semester's worth of work and would go through a lot of stress. Procrastination. My rebuttal to this argument is that it should be the student’s decision. If a student decides that they’ll wait until the last minute then it’s their own decision if they end up finishing it or not. Some students would rather do a semester's worth of work in a couple of days than over a couple of months. Teachers should not complain as long as the work gets done.
The middle ground for both sides is being able to turn in late work but every week it's late the percentage drops with the possible lowest percent you could get being 70 percent. I don't mind this policy at all. If anything I think it's the fairest to both students and teachers. Students have the option as well as the incentive to turn in late work and to turn it in sooner so that they earn more points than fewer points. Teachers get to show students that there are consequences to not being able to turn in work on time. As well as students being able to pass the class with a C even if they turn in everything late.
Teachers not allowing any late work seems almost childish. I don’t see a point in not allowing students the option to turn in late work. It doesn’t make sense and most teachers that don't allow late work are not liked by their students. My best guess as to why they don't allow late work is laziness to grade the work when turned in.
Students should have the decision to turn in late work and teachers should have the decision to take some percentage off if they want to.

I agree that teachers should because most kids have a lot of homework and the homework piles up. Or most kids also have other things to do like work and they cant turn it in on time.
I agree that teachers should accept late work because when you have work due for all classes it is a bit stressful. I don't think it should be up until the semester ends but like at least accept the late work like a week or so before. For me personally I be forgetting that I have homework due on friday nights because I go out with friends or family but when I remember then I'll turn it in as soon as possible. Sometimes life becomes too much and you need a little extra time.
Osclo10 this article is a masterpiece. We are still getting the work done regardless. It is way to difficult to try and organize all of these assignments from each class. The least teachers can do for us is try to communicate with each other so that we aren't flooded with work.
It's pretty stressful having to do do multiple assignments from different classes and turning them in on time. Some teachers find creative ways to assign new work and sometimes unnecessary or busy work. It seems as though sometimes they forget that we get work from other teachers too. I can't lie and say I don't get lazy though, I also procrastinate but I try to get my work done on time. When I have too much homework, I rely on my teacher's leniency and hope they help me out.
This article took the words out of my mouth. Late work should always be accepted no matter what. I never understood why some teachers would be so picky about how late something can be turned in because no matter how late we turn in an assignment its still going to take a teacher 2-3 months to get that grade imputed into your grades. I think teachers should understand just because we don't do an assignment now doesn't mean we aren't going to do it later. Another thing is I think the staff on campus should realize students involved in extracurriculars work the most trying to get assignments done on time not giving them enough sleep or even barely enough sleep.…