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The man in the window

Writer's picture: medievaltimesmedievaltimes
By Denisse Teran Herrera

Many people go through terrifying moments in their lives. Some even feel like they are being watched or followed.

Yuliana Jazmin Torres, a sophomore at Rialto High School, shares her story of coming home after school on a Thursday night and seeing a man watching her through her window. 

The world we live in has many mysteries and also many scary moments. Torres was one of the many people who had to go through an unsettling experience. 

When Torres was ten years old, she had just returned from elementary school. Later in the day, Torres got ready for bed. Torres explains, “My mom had come home from work, and I was having trouble sleeping because my mom was barely getting ready for bed, and my siblings were sleeping like animals.”

Torres adds that she kept hearing something while trying to sleep, like movement. 

Torres says, “I had heard something outside my window that sounded like someone or something had fallen. I brushed it off because I had assumed it was just a cat, and all my siblings were still asleep, so I assumed it was nothing since they didn’t wake up.”

While Torres just brushed away the feeling, she added that she didn’t care and accepted that it was likely nothing. She had wished it was nothing. 

Torres felt that she should check the window. When she suddenly saw an unexpected figure, she sat up and peeked outside. 

“It was a guy; the guy looked young. I remember he was wearing a hat. I also remember him just staring straight at me. I froze; I was young and scared; he wouldn’t look away; he just stared at me for what felt like forever,” Torres comments. 

Torres continues, “After what felt like forever of just being stared at, I finally gained consciousness. I started to scream and cry; my mom came running into the room; the moment she came in, the guy jumped over the wall and took off. I remember hearing him when he had run off.” 

Torres explains that she couldn’t see the guy but remembers seeing him move his head when her mom walked in. She shares, “ I told my mom what I had seen and what had happened. She then made my older brother and dad go outside to see if the man was still there. They came back and said he was gone and that it was safe, but I never really thought it was.”

Torres was told to return to bed but kept thinking about the man outside her window. Eventually, Torres and her family returned to bed and moved on from the situation.

They never found out who the guy was. Torres was surprised he even got near her window since she had a wall surrounding her home and lived in a neighborhood where she felt safe. 

Torres comments, “That night changed how I felt in my home, and it affected me a lot. I never slept near the window again because I was scared that the guy in the hat would be there, and to be honest, I was just scared in general of sleeping near a window again. Until we moved from that house and city, I was finally okay again.”


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