Providence skramz band Nithan Gohok is blossoming into an amazing band.
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Based in Providence, Rhode Island, Nithan Gohok has quickly become one of my favorite skramz bands to come out of the East Coast. The band is currently composed of Pete Promrat (guitar/vocals), Daniel Duarte-Baird (rhythm guitar), Caroline Caiati (bass), and E Figueroa Goldman (drums). Originally a solo project recorded by Pete in her bedroom, it has morphed into a 4-piece skramz band playing shows all around Rhode Island.
Promrat is the driving force behind the band’s songwriting. Originally a project that she started in her bedroom last winter, she recruited the rest of the band this past summer after gaining an interest in playing shows in the area. They played their first show at a local skate park and have been playing together as a band since.
They are highly influenced by modern skramz bands like knumears, vs self, and widowdusk but also pioneers of the genre like Orchid, pageninetynine, and Saetia.
They released their first EP, “Red Cat and Other Ghost Stories,” this past July and it’s a unique take on skramz that has elements of shoegaze and other genres sprinkled in. Throughout the EP, Promrat shifts between unsettling whispers, agonizing screams, and conventional singing. The entire EP invokes this feeling of sadness within, a highlight of the genre. It was an enjoyable listen from start to finish.

The band members are fairly young, springing questions about the future of the band.
When asked about this, Promrat stated “Don’t know! I’m a junior in high school so I’ll have a bit longer in Providence before going off to college, but two of my bandmates are seniors and will probably be heading away next year to go to college. I definitely wanna keep doing music though, so that won’t be the end.”
The departure of band members can cause a band to fall apart but I don’t think this will be the case for Nithan Gohok. Promrat’s passion for music is genuine and is displayed with her music. This isn’t the first iteration of the band and according to Promrat, it definitely won’t be the last.
The band is currently preparing for the release of their debut LP, set for later this month. Written and recorded by Promrat in early September, she describes it as a “more conventional” skramz album with sprinkles of everything else. According to her, she wrote it in the midst of a rough breakup and channeled it into writing the record. It will be the longest piece of music they’ve put out and I’m excited for its release.
Promrat’s favorite thing about playing shows is the people and the support they give. She states, “Seeing people whose bands you listen to going to your shows and having fun, there’s no feeling like that.”
Providence is home to one of the biggest skramz revival scenes in the country and Nithan Gohok has easily become one of my favorite bands to come out of the area. If you are into bands like vs self, widowdusk, and Saetia, I highly recommend checking them out!